Monday 23 February 2015

Change, It Starts With Me

In Nigeria, the word change is some what twisted and abused by politicians and some die hard fans/followers of politicians.

In fact, the slogan everywhere in this season of election is centered on change like #vote for change and bla bla bla. I know and believe the change the masses are clamoring for is for a better Nigeria. That is, tackle corruption, stop religious and ethnic sentiment etc.

This is good but the bad news is we are waiting for the government a messiah to perform this change. Every change you seek begins with you. It reflects how you treat others, how you comport yourself in the office, how you manage the public treasury left in your care, how you behave in a queue,and so many how you do things.

Change, it begins with you and its starts with me.
it starts with me,change

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